The influence of alcohol potency in men: the whole truth

However, frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages, even in small doses can trigger the development of several diseases kuseteed.

potency in men

Disorders that arise in the processes of sexual gravity, the excitement of the emergence and duration of erection, suffering from 37 to 42% of the male population aged 30 to 55 years! Decreased sex drive topic is not the best way, how to sexual health, both physical and emotional able to men.

The deceptive effects of alcohol

Representatives of a strong half of mankind often turn to the help of alcohol, assuming that the drink increases sexual desire and gives you the opportunity to prove themselves at a higher level. The reality is that one of the stitched sales the benefits of alcohol. Yet the Old World doctors have said "the wine awakens the desire, but makes it impossible for its implementation".

Drink after drinking alcohol, men, really, increases the sex drive strength. This pattern refers to the idea that alcohol increases the potency and erection. But it is a big mistake, because such a reaction is only the result of the primary effects of nerve endings and the nervous system of men in general. The process of intercourse troops leave at the most inconvenient moments.

The fact of the matter is that after the consumption of alcohol in the human body occurs a slowdown in many processes is disturbed circulation of blood, which initially happens to very active, then its activity decreases sharply. For this reason, under the influence of alcohol often do not succeed to achieve stable and long-lasting erection. Blood first rush of the flow to the penis, resulting in the observed rapid erection. But this followed a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels provokes the opposite effect. Thus, it is alcohol and potency – does not fit.

How alcohol affects the potency in general?

Excessive or systematic alcohol consumption published the following impact on the sexual system for men:

  • under the effect of the ethanol decreases the sensitivity of the penis body which causes erectile dysfunction even in young people;
  • place fell in the body of testosterone (the male hormone), this expression of the libido, weakening and deteriorating the quality of a seed liquid;
  • alcohol kills over time the seed of the tubule, which may lead to infertility and the key to the chances of becoming pregnant;
  • the change in its structure, the sperm lose their mobility, also it leads to reproductive dysfunction;
  • the negative impact on the spirits of the functioning of the brain leads to disruption of normal testosterone in the testes;
  • reception of alcoholic beverages for a long way to finally complete impotence, because the organism becomes less and less resistance to the destructive ethanol effects.

Gradually reducing the potency, if alcoholism

Regular alcohol consumption first leads to the disappearance of wet dreams and erotic dreams, occasionally emerging healthy is not living the sexual life is the life of men 1-2 times a month. Begins to subside or completely disappear erection.

People who systematically drinks, are not always aware of the problem, assuming that the reduction of his men to force the result of overwork or in a bad mood. Under the effect of drink ejaculation long time did not come soon, or none at all. With all the muile is changing and the nature of feeling – the man or not experiencing orgasms, whether it's offensive comes with valutorgetega. Instead, to meet and to relax there will be weakness.

So, alcohol negatively affects the potency in men, until the permanent impotence. Sometimes men may feel a strong emotional craving, the desire to supply to the act, but those feelings quickly go through. Over time, an alcoholic will become more and the mental incapable.

Harmful effects of alcohol male body thoroughly, it has spread and the brain, so that the patient alcoholism is no longer any desires, including and a sexy. One half of the harmful effects of ethanol potency in men is and the production of the inferiority complex germ cell that eventually could affect future health of children.

It is important to remember that alcoholic beverages effect on the state of the prostate and many other makers of men. Thus, there is a link in the development of prostatitis and excessive alcohol consumption is proven and scientifically justified.

Beer – the most dangerous drink for men

Any alcoholic beverages will negatively affect potency in men. But the researchers recent studies show that most damage to the functioning of the reproductive system and reproductive ability of men to bear just the beer.

beer is harmful for men

Potency in men is closely linked to the sexual hormone – testosterone. Really, the man hormone, the hormone of masculinity. Its opposite is estrogen – a female sex hormone. Like the same here in relation to beer?

All is very simple. The fact of the matter is that many women's favorite foam intoxicating drink contains the same hormone estrogen, which makes women women giving their distinctive features. This substance is feature of the accumulate in the human body. Frequent, uncontrolled beer drinking becomes the cause of impotence in men. Is completely understandable! Where to start sexual life is valid in the body, where testosterone appears in more than estrogen.

Another crafty beer – this is the fastest path to alcoholism. A person gets addicted, he will develop the so-called "beer alcoholism". And alcoholism and potency, as noted above, is not consistent. Keep in mind that beer – it is also a alcoholic beverage, it is also available alcohol, toxic to the organism of the products of its separation. Alcoholic beverages will not the less damage, if they are strong companions.

Often the consumption of alcoholic beverages becomes a certain stage should prepare for sexual intimacy. Alcohol is relaxing and helps to increase men confidence. But for the extraction of a drink only for the benefit of, the dose must be minimal. Although if to take into account the adverse effects of alcohol conceiving a child for men then, if you plan to the child, even allowed dose of alcohol undesirable. Excessive alcohol consumption is extremely negatively affect the male potency. Especially vividly it is expressed in people who have alcoholism.